xCoAx 2020 8th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X 8–10 July, Graz online

Paper Session 5

Keywords: Architecture, Coding, Critical Posthumanism, Mixed Reality, More-Than-Human, Networked Media, Network Topology, Network Transparency.

Allographic Drawing: Agency of Coding in Architectural Design

Corneel Cannaerts

Allographic Drawing explores the agency of coding in architectural design processes and its impact on architectural drawing and the allocation of authorship. The paper uses drawing as a lens to look at coding in architectural practice and argues that engaging with coding introduces novel ways of mediating between context, proposition and constructed artefact. Against the backdrop of the paradigm shift from drawing-based representation to model-based simulation, this paper argues that we can look at drawing as a means of understanding the mediation of coding in architectural design processes. The research looks specifically into algorithmic approaches to scanning and mapping environments, ideation and exploration of variation within architectural design processes and the translation between design proposition and material artefact through digital fabrication.

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Open, Seamful and Slow: A More-Than-Human Internet of Things

Birgit Bachler

Departing from the concept of an Internet of Things (IoT) as a means to give voice to non-human ‘things’, the project Wildthings.io seeks to develop experimental prototypes for grassroots, community-run digital networks, and DIY electronic devices as artistic interventions. This paper discusses the iterative design processes that concluded in the IoT artwork Papawai Transmissions, which imagines novel ways of understanding and (re-) connecting with disconnected streams, their communities and their ecosystems in urban Aotearoa/New Zealand, through methods of openness, seamfulness and slowness.

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Openness and Transparency in Network Topologies

Alessandro Ludovico

We live in a space of networks. The connections between people, data, spaces, and objects have become more apparent and even assumed thanks to the infrastructure that manifests its pulsating presence through our screens. Yet despite their prevalence, how can we reappropriate networks and use them as a radical infrastructure? This paper will explore various embodiments of network topologies in the interplay of networked cultures, the original networking practices of Neural magazine, and the developments of human mesh networks, as a potential crucial strategy of change.

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Augmenting a Human-Plant-Data Assemblage: The Contact Projects

Rewa Wright, Simon Howden

Through the Contact Projects an iterative series of three artworks (Contact Zone, Contact/Sense and Signaletic Flow 2.0) we experiment with performance techniques within the medium of head-mounted Mixed Reality (MR). Combining gestural, computer vision, tactile and sonic instruments with physical bodies (human and plant) the concept is to generate a different mode of MR from the dominant paradigms being advanced by industrial and commercial interests. This research investigates potential for multimodal performance in MR using a bespoke technical set-up that combines the HTC Vive (with Leap Motion head-mounted), the MIDI Sprout interface, Logic X, Touch Designer and Unity 3D. Playing with experimental physical techniques for affectively co-composing with expressive conjunctions of augmented materials (both digital and organic), we perform through processual strategies such as: modulating augmented data in real-time; sonifying bio-electrical signals from plants; choreographing hand micro-gestures to weave tactile and signaletic connections with plants and digital augments; and, passing augments through the Leap Motion interface in a head mounted configuration, while sending plant signals to Touch Designer. We propose a new method, technique, and practices for performing with MR environments and various interface technologies, informed by embodiment and electro acoustics, and underscored by new materialism and critical posthumanism.

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